Happy New Year! Welcome to 2025
Aloha! San Diego for Bouchercon was great. As was Nashville, this past year. If you love reading mystery - of all kinds - come join me! I hope to be on a panel again this year.
This conference is for readers as much as it is for the writers. And here’s why… readers get to meet their favorite writers. Publishers bring lots of FREE BOOKs that readers can pick up and have signed. My first year at Bouchercon I brougt home a full susitcase. - 52 pounds of books! I was so thrilled the ticket agent didn’t ding me for my suitcase being overweight. Hope to see you there.
Turquoise Tantrums, the fourth book in my Sierra Scott mystery series iIS FINALLY FINISHED AND NOW AVAILABLE. It took longer than expected, because somewhere in the process a totally different book arrived…and I had to start over.
But no words were wasted, the book that emerged will be the start of a new series - more details later.
I hope life is treating you well.